I don’t know where this is going.
I don’t know what this is about.
I want to put it - my experience - on hold,
to see it,
to know it,
to judge it,
once and for all.
is it good?
is it beautiful?
is it wrong?
is it of value?
And it keeps moving.
Life brings gifts
And there is fear.
There is mistrust.
There is anger.
There is such a need to control.
So I paint.
I let the feelings have a form
Little openings
Dark beings coming out from under the bed.
Like that.
Letting it be like that.
Letting it (what is it?)
Letting all of this life I am living have a form.
I keep painting,
Feeling the energy move,
Feeling the mind want to know,
the door remains open,
Endlessly open
to life itself.
to my life.
There is a knowing of something true.
From a true place
Awareness knows
Here is kindness
Here is care
Here is wonder.
Here is wonder not to know
And wonder to know that I don’t know
And that I feel much
And I paint
And sometimes I call it courage.
good or bad
really wants to stay
Because of this open door.
It welcomes everything to be felt
And to pass through.
I like this word AND
It is an endless invitation of welcome.
I paint and I write, today.
I am encouraged by someone who loves me,
sometimes more than I can love myself,
to do so.
dear reader,
sister or brother,
may you too, engage fully in and with your life today,
may it pass smoothly, through and through, your open heart!