Friday, November 14, 2014

yellow completion

those red pulsing threads

returning to the thread of a painting requires trust
and willingness to hang out in i don't know
or any judgement that jumps in to keep company with
"i don't know"

the red pulse magnified by brown lines
grew more and more bold
and still
we found a way in further,
there was still a doorway to open

was it as simple (yes) as to invite another color?
i could feel the answer was yellow

the yellow began to bubble
and then

the brush found its way
rounding out the circles of yellow
bubbling here and there and there

it was like breathing
like the painting was breathing now,
whereas before it was just pulsing, beautifully.

i painted yellow circles
until i knew the satisfaction
and quiet thrill of completion.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

one gesture

a new kind of beginning
one mark at a time
one stroke
one gesture.

Monday, November 3, 2014

the twins

I'm a bit stunned by where this piece took me.
at the beginning of our class, one of the women shared that the definition of God is surprise.

freed of the image
the brush knows
and dances,