Monday, March 21, 2016

She's got my whole world in her hands

I brought this painting home from my studio last week. 
This is how the process continued. 

I had been entering entering entering, making smaller and smaller marks, and then yesterday the feeling of purple rose up, and this purple one embraced and seemed to carry the whole. I needed to paint larger and larger areas of color. The judgements were loud, "this is not process painting" -"I'm missing the connection." 
Gladly, I just let myself paint the large purple figure and the green landscape she stood on. 

She holds everything and everyone. 

The process continues now, I am in it. 
Trusting that the process works when I allow it, I notice that I like to paint. 
I like to allow myself to be on the path I've found myself on.
Thankfully, there is room for humor on this path!

Monday, March 7, 2016

what is form?

what is form?
what takes form?

the word form is laden with meaning from the hallways of the art school i attended.
i used it thinking it was meaning shape, the shape of anything.
something takes form.
form was laden with meaning.

but when this painting began to "take form," there seemed not to be any particular edge to this or that "form."

once again, process painting takes me to new places and toward new understandings.